Saturday, May 8, 2010

Child Abuse and Child Protective Services Part I

 Child Abuse and Child Protective Services Part I   

1 comment:

Frankie'sGirl said...

The standards have been lowered in the eyes of Social Services. The whole process is focused on rehabilitating the parents, rather than saving the child. Rehabilitation doesn't work for most convicts and it's not going to work for people who abuse their children, which are really one in the same. Not only do social services seem to no longer be on the child’s side, but either does society. It appears that society has a lower standard when it comes to children's human rights. If age was erased on a police incident report “let’s say they actually filled police reports for child abuse” and parents were brought in front of a judge on assault or intent to do bodily harm, they would receive a jail sentence rather than parenting classes.
